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Georgia Framework Resources
***These units are a part of the Georgia GSE Frameworks put out by the GaDOE, which can be found at: 2015-2016 GSE Documents on the K-5 Math Wiki***The GSE Parent Letters were modified from Germaine Harden-Brooks, Henry County Schools. They were modified from a CCGPS version found within the grade level links on the K-5 Math Wiki: Georgia Math K-5 Wiki***The Standard Documents were created by Mollie Hall, Henry County Schools. Her website is available at: Mollie Hall, Math Coach LGEGSE Multi-Grade Level DocumentsKindergartenGSE Unit Frameworks GSE Unit Parent Letters 1st Grade
GSE Unit Frameworks GSE Unit Parent Letters 2nd Grade
GSE Unit Frameworks GSE Unit Parent Letters 3rd Grade
GSE Unit Frameworks GSE Unit Parent Letters 4th Grade
GSE Unit Frameworks GSE Unit Parent Letters 5th Grade
GSE Unit Frameworks GSE Unit Parent Letters