• Welcome to the MCE Clinic!

                             A group of women sitting on a benchDescription automatically generated with medium confidence


    My name is Amber Anderson, and I'm so excited to be your Clinic Aide here at Mt. Carmel Elementary. This school year will be my fourth year here at MCE, and I am thrilled to see what the 24-25 school year brings. As your Clinic Aide, we plan on staying well and safe this school year by practicing good hygiene, washing our hands and learning about safe and healthy habits. Our first day 24-25 school year is August 1st. See you soon!

    The clinic is a safe place for everyone! 

    Here are a few interesting facts and details about Miss. Anderson…  

    My favorite colors are olive green and pastel. In my free time, I love hanging out with my family and friends, watching my all-time favorite Netflix shows, and enjoying the outdoors. I received my Associate in General Studies at Southern Crescent Technical College. I am currently enrolled at Gordon State College to earn my Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree. In hopes of becoming a Registered Nurse for the state of Georgia, and working as a Pediatric Nurse.

    Important info:

    Miss Anderson is in the Clinic every school day, Monday-Friday, from 7:30 am to 2:15 pm, to assist with your child’s medical needs. The Clinic is located inside the School Front Office. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Clinic Aide.

    My Contact Information:

    Miss. Anderson

    Clinic Aide

    School Email: amber.anderson@henry.k12.ga.us

    School Phone Number: 770-897-9799

    Fax: 770-897-9806