• Together  
    Penny Woods and Shanice Sims
       Thank you for checking out my website!
             I have been involved at Mt Carmel since its opening first as a parent and and then as an educator.  This is my 17th year teaching at Mt Carmel! 
             I taught 5th grade for 10 years and thoroughly enjoyed it.  Five of these years I was the “co-teach” homeroom for the students being served in ESE.  During these years, I realized that I had a calling to work with students with special needs.  Seven years ago I was blessed to be added to the Exceptional Students team with the K-5 MOID class. I am presently the Exceptional Student Teacher for the students in the 3-5 MID room.
            We have an awesome Para-Educator to assist with the academic needs of our class!  Her name Shanice Sims.  This is her 3rd year at Mt Carmel.  Mrs. Sims is presently working towards a degree in Special Education.

    Our goals for this year are the same as yours; to assist the students in becoming the best learners they can be and to face their educational hurdles bravely while finding a pathway to success.

    My educational background is as follows:  a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education, a Master’s Degree in Literacy Development, and an Education Specialist degree in Teaching and Learning.

    I am available for conferencing (virtual or in person based on county recemmendations) by appointment after 3:00pm Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.  My email address is:  pwoods@henry.k12.ga.us  or you can reach me after academic hours by calling the school during the day at (770) 897-9799. 

    Mt Carmel is using "BLOOMZ" to send important updates, assignments, and information to my class named "Mrs. Woods / Mrs. Sims 2021-2022".  If your child is in our class you will be receiving an invitation to join.  (BLOOMZ is a free, safe, and easy way for me to reach you with important information.  Want to learn more?  Go here:  https://https://www.bloomz.com/parents