Dr. Toni Collie, Assistant Principal

  • Welcome to the Academy for Advanced Studies! I am thrilled to begin another year at a program that is dedicated to helping students pursue their career goals.

    Our mission is to offer inspiration through advanced instruction and authentic experiences. We EMPOWER associates to achieve their college and career goals. Everything that we do is a stepping stone toward achieving this mission.  

    During your time at the Academy, I hope that you remember to explore, grow, and discover. Explore the career pathways that interest you and participate in the associated Career and Technical Student Organizations. Accept the academic and career-related challenges that your teachers present and grow as a result of them. Discover the path that you will take after graduating from high school. 

    If I can assist you in your pursuits or answer any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at acollie@henry.k12.ga.us or stop by my office. I am looking forward to an outstanding year with each of you. 

    Warmest regards,

    Toni Collie

    Assistant Principal

Last Modified on June 18, 2024