
    Pre-K III

  • Pre-K Family and Parent Information 

    School Day
    Pre-K students will follow the same school calendar as all elementary schools. Your child will be expected to be in school for the entire instructional day.  Regular school attendance in the Pre-K program is mandatory.  Attendance is closely monitored.  If your child will be absent or tardy for any reason, please provide a written excuse upon the child’s return to school.  Excessive tardiness or absences may result in removal from the Pre-K program. 

    Breakfast and lunch are available for purchase daily.  Your child may purchase a lunch daily or one must be provided from home. Free/reduced meal applications will be sent home with students on the first day of school.

    Allergies and Medical Information
    Please inform your child’s teacher and the school clinic aide of any known food or medical allergies, or medical conditions.  Parents/guardians must complete a medical form providing any important information needed to ensure that all medical needs are met in the event of an emergency.

    Inclement Weather
    In the event of inclement weather, please tune in to the WSB television station for official notification of any school closures.

    Students living within the school attendance zone are permitted to ride the school bus.  Transportation must be provided by parent/guardian for students residing outside the school attendance zone. If your child is riding the school bus, there must be an adult at the bus stop when the student gets on the bus in the mornings and off the bus in the afternoon.  If an adult is not present in the afternoon, your child will be returned to school.

    If there is a change in the way that your child will be picked up from school, please notify your child’s teacher in writing of the change immediately.

    Rest Time
    Pre-K student will have one hour designated daily for rest time.  Please send a large towel or small blanket for nap time.  Blankets or towels will be sent home regularly and should be returned once cleaned or replaced.

    Contact Information
    If your contact information changes (phone number, address, etc.), please inform your child’s teacher and provide him/her with the updated information immediately.