• Evening Academy was established in 2000, and over the course of the past eight years has successfully served the alternative educational needs of many high school students.  Parallel with the establishment of Evening Academy, Henry County Schools, under the charge of "Ensuring Success for Each Student," has implemented many additional educational opportunities that also have contributed to the success of our students.  At the high school level, some of these additional educational opportunities include, Graduation Coaches, Pyramids of Intervention, Second Chance, Credit Recovery, On-line Courses and seven period days, just to name a few.  The results of these educational opportunities have been met with great success.  As a result, we have seen a change in enrollment in Evening Academy.  Enrollment during the earlier years of Evening Academy often included as many as 600 students per mini semester.  Today, enrollment is most often less than 50 students per mini semester; thus, highlighting the success of our many educational opportunities and our accomplishment to "Ensure Success for Each Student." 
    Meeting the educational needs of each student remains our goal today.  Evening Academy services are offered through Patrick Henry High School.  You may visit the school webpage at schoolwires.henry.k12.ga.us/phh.  You can also view a presentation at the following link.   
    Click here for more information about Evening Academy.   
Last Modified on December 1, 2008