Solar Eclipse Across Henry County on April 8, 2024

  • Solar eclipse April 8 2024

  • As you may know, on Monday, April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will pass over North America. During a total solar eclipse, the Moon completely blocks the Sun, causing the sky to become unusually dark during the daytime. Here in Henry County, we will experience a partial solar eclipse between 1:45 p.m. and 4:21 p.m., with the sky becoming darkest at the peak of 3:04 p.m.

    HCS plans to operate on a normal schedule on April 8, 2024. School operations, including check-in and check-out procedures, will continue as normal. To ensure a safe school day and dismissal, solar viewing glasses will be provided to all Pre-K through 12th-grade students, teachers, and administrators. Also, instructional activities and resources will be provided to schools to make this a safe and meaningful learning experience for our students.  We encourage Henry County families to review this safety information in preparation for this spectacular event.

    Thank you for your consideration of this important information as we work to keep everyone safe while also making this rare event meaningful for HCS students!

    Eclipse Viewing Times for Henry County

    Click here to access the exact eclipse times for Henry County. 
    Click here to access the HCS Solar Eclipse Toolkit.


    Schools will receive instructional resources to provide a safe learning experience.