• Welcome to the Testing webpage for Henry County Schools!
    You can obtain information here regarding state mandated assessments.


    Our goal, in Henry County Schools, is to provide all stakeholders with a successful implementation of state-wide assessments. Teachers, students, parents, and administrators are able to use information from the standardized assessments to make informed instructional decisions for every student in the way that is most appropriate for his/ her learning. Uniformed test administration is needed to ensure high quality assessment data. The primary purpose of state assessments is to provide a valid measure of the quality of educational services provided to students in our school district. To that end, we follow the mandates given by the Georgia Department of Education and the Henry County Board of Education by upholding the strictest test security and following the Testing Code of Ethics.


    For more information on state assessments:

    Contact Dr. Natalie Myricks, System Testing Specialist (State Assessments)

Last Modified on June 10, 2013