If this is your first time using this site, please use the following link to register for the portal: https://aka.ms/ssprsetupIf you forgot your password please use this link: https://aka.ms/ssprTo change or update your password please use this link: https://account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com/ChangePassword.aspxPassword policy
- The password must be a passphrase (a string of words that only you know) that is at least 12 characters and must contain 3 out of the following 4:
- UPPER CASE letters
- lower case letters
- numbers (0-9)
- special characters (example: !@#$%^& and others)
Note: You cannot reuse 2 previous passwords.
- No staff passwords will be changed over the phone. Technicians may only assist employees in person AND the employee must use the Password Portal on-site.
Helpful Tips:
- Don't use numbers in sequential order for your password. It's like when you count 1, 2, 3 – that's too easy for someone to guess!
- Don't use simple words from the dictionary, especially not "password." It's like having a secret code, but if you use an easy word, it's like having no code at all!
- Make your password like a secret message. Instead of just using a regular sentence, mix in some letters, numbers, and special symbols. It's like making your secret code stronger and harder for others to figure out!
- Click here to watch a short video about strong passwords.