     Admission for Exceptional Learning Students 
         Applicants with disabilities are expected to have completed the CPC with the appropriate instructional accommodations. The Core Curriculum of each college requires students to complete college-level courses in English, mathematics, social science, and science, and no exemptions or substitution are permitted for these required college courses. Students who are unable to complete the high school college preparatory courses in these areas are unlikely to succeed in college courses and will not be provided with CPC exceptions in the admissions process.

    An additional CPC requirement is two years of a foreign language. Because foreign language is not required in college for all majors, students with learning disabilities that preclude the acquisition of a foreign language may petition for admission without completing this CPC requirement. For admission to a university, students must receive approval from a Regents Center for Learning Disorders (RCLD) prior to acceptance. To ensure consideration under this provision, students should apply for admission and request an RCLD review no later than six months before the admissions decision is to be made. Students applying to two-year colleges should also apply and request approval at least six months in advance but may be admitted in the "limited" category if they meet other requirements. Those admitted without approval must request RCLD review and submit all requested materials during their first semester of enrollment. Students who receive approval from the RCLD may then satisfy the CPC foreign language "deficiency" by substituting another type of course determined by the institution.

    Students with disabilities should request the appropriate SAT or ACT accommodations from the testing agencies. Students are expected to achieve the sector's minimum SAT or ACT scores with the testing accommodations provided; students with disabilities will not be penalized for taking the SAT or ACT in a non-standard administration.

    Students may apply and be admitted without regard to disability. However, students who do not meet regular admissions requirements and would like to be considered for accommodations in the admissions process must notify the institution and provide the documentation required. In particular, students with learning disorders who are requesting an accommodation that requires approval from an RCLD should apply at least six months in advance of the time the admissions decision is needed.

    Students should be aware that certain programs and degrees require the ability to perform specific critical skills. For example, a student in a nursing program must have adequate motor function to effectively work with nursing problems and carry out related nursing care. Some students may not be admitted to or able to complete a program or degree because their disability cannot be accommodated in a manner that enables them to perform the required critical skills and meet the critical standards of the program. Students should, prior to applying for or beginning a program of study, review all requirements that are necessary for completion of the program.




























Last Modified on March 27, 2018