• Lea Wilhelm - WHS Attendance Clerk
    770-389-2784 ext 104
    fax: 770-389-2790
                       Welcome to Wolfpack Attendance !!!!!!!!!!!!!
            "NO CHECKOUTS AFTER 2:50 p.m."
    ** Students are NOT allowed to check themselves out even if they are 18 years old UNLESS they are emancipated through the court system and we have a copy of paperwork in the counseling office or they are "self-enrolled"**
    The Georgia Compulsory Attendance Law states: "It is the duty of every parent, guardian, or other person having control of any child between the child's 7th and 16th birthdays to assure that the child attends a public school, private school or home study program. Failure to comply constitutes a misdemeanor punishable by up to $100 fine, 30 days imprisonment, or both. Each day's absence constitutes a seperate offense. Ga. Code 20-2-690.1"
    Attendance Procedures:
    Students who are absent from school must bring a note from their parent, legal guardian or doctor on the first day back to school and present it to the attendance office. Absences that fall in compliance with the Board of Education's policies will be excused. Excuses will NOT be accepted after 2 days, those absences will be considered UNEXCUSED. Students are allowed (5) parent  " handwritten" absentee notes per semester. All other after that will be unexcused, and student will NOT be allowed to receive credit for work missed.  Violators of the school attendance policy may be referred to the school social worked, and/or placement on an attendance contract, and/or have their parking pass pulled. In order for the absence to be excused, the student is required to turn in their note to the attendance office (place in basket on counter)  PRIOR to 8:05 am on the morning of the first day they return to school from their absence. The note should include the following: Students first and last name, student ID number, date(s) of absence, reason for absence, parents signature and phone number.
    *Excessive unexcused absences WILL affect the student receiving their Certificate of Attendance.*
    Checking in/out:
                                                       NO CHECKOUTS AFTER 2:50 p.m.!!!!!!!
    Students who arrive to school after 8:15 am must report to the attendance office to sign in  and receive an admit slip. Students are allowed (5) parent "handwritten" notes per semester and they must have a note at the time of check in, notes for being tardy to school will not be accepted after the date of check in, students will receive an unexcused check in. If the student does not have a WHS parking permit, a disciplinary referral will be issued on the 6th unexcused tardy which will result in (2) days of ISS. A four-step form will be issued in the attendance office for the 7th, 8th, and 9th tardy. A disciplinary referral will be issued on the 10th tardy which will result in (2) days ISS. The same procedure will be followed for additional tardies. If the student has a WHS parking permit, the pass will be pulled for 2 days on the 6th tardy, 5 days on the 10th tardy and 10 days on the 14th tardy. Students should arrive at school on time and should remain in schol for the complete school day. *Acceptable excuses for tardies to school or early checkouts are the same as excused reason for full-day absences. For example, car trouble is NOT excusable since HCBOE provides transportation to school, missing the bus, woke up late, drivers permits/license, oversleeping, vacations (unless preapproved by Mr Cook),  babysitting siblings, taking pet to the vet, flat tire, running errands are all UNEXCUSED.
    Students wo do not report to the attendance office for check-in for a tardy before reporting to class will be written up on a disciplinary referral.
    ** Students are NOT allowed to check themselves out even if they are 18 years old UNLESS they are emancipated through the court system and we have a copy of paperwork in the counseling office or they are "self-enrolled" **
    The attendance office cannot accept phone calls for checkouts. Students must bring a note from their parent to the attendance office first thing in the morning they are to check out, with their name, ID#, time to check out, reason for check out, parents name and phone number, or a faxed note with a copy of the parents drivers license, or legal guardian must come in to the attendance office with their ID to check the student out.
             **** NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE!!!!! ****
    If a student checks out, and returns to school  from checking out, the student must provide documentation for the checkout to be changed to excused. (example: Dr/Dental note, court or probabtion)
    Identification is required and verified before a student is called to the office. ONLY persons listed on the emergency card will be able to checkout students. Please make sure that all contact names are listed on the card and the information is updated as needed.
    Students are required to come to the attendance office for any calls regarding check outs (cellphone use during school hours is prohibited!) Students who choose to use cellphones to call parents will be subject to disciplinary action.
    If anyone other than the parent or legal guardian will be checking a student out, the student must bring a note from their parent/legal guardian in the morning, the note must have the persons name, reason for check out and the parents name and phone number for verification 
    Students who leave campus without checking out or who are absent from school without parent permission will be considered truant. Students who skip a portion of class, a full class or several classes are considered truant and will receive a disciplinary referral.
    Student Medication:
    See Student Medication tab for additional information
    Students are not permitted to carry any type of  medication on them (prescription or over the counter) or leave in their lockers (with the exception of inhalers, with a medical form on file in the attendnace office) A parent, guardian, or custodian needs to complete a Medical Authorization Form for each medication the student needs. The attendance office clerk will initial a medicine log sheet when students come in to take their medicine. The forms and medication will be kept locked in the attendance office.
    Other Information:
    Students will not be called out of class for forgotten items, medication or change of clothing. These items must be taken to the front office (with the exception of medication) and students will be called in between class change.
    Transportation Changes:

    Due to overcrowding on school buses, transportion changes will be for emergencies
    ONLY! If your student needs to ride another bus, they must bring a note from the parent, guardian, or custodian with the following information: Students name, students name and address they are riding home with, the reason for request, parents first and last name making request and their phone number. Students are required to turn in the note to the attendance office BEFORE 8:10 a.m. The notes will be verified and requests made to Transportation for approval or denial. The students will be notified if approved and given copy of approval to be given to the bus driver, if denied, parent will be contacted by the attendance clerk.
    For safety reasons, we can not change a student from a bus rider to a car rider unless the parent comes into the front office or the attendance office with ID to make this request. We will NOT accept any phone calls for these requests.