Woodland High School Cheerleaders
“Lil’ Pack Cheer Clinic”2023Who: All young girls in PreK- 6th, any skill level
When: Tuesday, September5th – Friday, September 8th
Time: 4:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m (Tuesday –Thursday)
6:00 p.m. until end of first half of the Woodland vs.Hampton GameAmount: $70.00 (cash, cashiers's check or money order, or CashAPP $WHSPACKCHEER,please) Make payable to: WHS
Cheer Booster. Please pay by August 25thto insure you get a T-shirt!!Questions: amcqueen@henry.k12.ga.usThe WHS Varsity Cheerleaders are looking forward to spending time working with your daughter to prepare her to cheer at the game on Friday night. We will be having a snack each day at 4:30 pm and will then divide into groups to learn cheers, chants, jumps and stunts. They will also be given instruction on what it means to be a cheerleader and how important it is to show lots of spirit.
They should wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes daily. They will be given a t-shirt that will need to be worn on Friday night with black shorts and tennis shoes. They will be recognized on the WHS Cheerleading Website as well. Rec. teams are welcome !!
This is a very fun week and a great fundraiser for the WHS Cheerleaders. Thank you, in advance, for your support !!CUT BELOW AND RETURN TO:Woodland High School, 800 North Mosley Drive, Stockbridge, GA 30281Attn: WHS Cheer, Angelia McQueen**** Don’t forget to include your check
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Name of Participant: _________________________________Grade: ______ Age: _______Address: ___________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: _______________________________
Parent/Guardian Phone Number: ________________________
Who to contact in case of emergency:______________________________Phone No. ___________________Other emergency contact if unavailable : __________________Phone No. _________________Health Insurance Information: __________________________Group No. ______________________________Name on Card: ____________________________Insurance Phone Number: _________________________Youth T-Shirt Size (circle) S M LAs the parent/guardian of the participant above, I understand there is physical activity involved in this event and hereby waive any claims against Woodland High School or the WHS Cheerleaders for any injuries which may occur.________________________________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian