• FCA - Fellowship of Christian Athletes
    This is a faith based school organization that meets once a week on Wednesday mornings to help each other grow in our Christian walk. We have guest speakers from within the school, as well as outside youth Pastors and coach's that speak to the group. Our FCA group does community service projects both within the Stockbridge community and areas surrounding. We seek to show others the love of God through action and speech. Although the groups title includes "athletes", not all students that participate play sports. This is open to any student at WHS who would like to attend and participate. 
    This is not a mandatory club and is the free will of anyone who chooses to come. We hope to shine a light to those around us, beginning in our school and reaching out. Our group also has events such as flag football and soccer games as well as concerts.
    Each meeting consists of singing (led by students), a speaker/lesson, and prayer. We normally meet on Wednesday mornings at 7:40. 
    Isaiah 40:31 - But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. 
Last Modified on October 13, 2020