WHS Troupe 8156

  • The International Thespian Society (ITS) is a worldwide honor society for students involved in theatre and performing arts programs. Founded in 1929, ITS recognizes and celebrates excellence in the field of theatre by promoting high standards of workmanship, scholarship, and character among its members.

    2022-2023 ITS Inducteess

    Membership is based on a point system, which students earn by

    • participating in various theatrical productions,
    • attending theatre workshops,
    • enrolling in theatre courses,
    • and engaging in other related activities.

    The society offers opportunities for students to network, learn, and showcase their talents through conferences, festivals, and competitions. ITS also provides scholarships and other forms of recognition to its members who have demonstrated exceptional achievements in theatre and performing arts.

    For details on induction into the International Thespian Society, please see Mr. Woods