• Department of Labor

    Work Permit Instructions


    1. Go online to: http://www.dol.state.ga.us/

    2. Click on Child Labor (under Quick Links on the right side of page)

    3. At bottom of page click on “Get a Youth Work Permit Online”.

    4. Click on “Minor”.

    5. Complete the information and print the permit.

    6. Take the permit to your employer along with this instruction card.

    7. Once the permit is complete, take it to your school along with a copy of your birth certificate. Allow for a 24 hour turnaround time from the school for the final permit.


    1. Follow instructions 1 – 3 above.

    2. Click on “Employer”.

    3. Complete the information. You will need to refer to the student's printed copy for the Minor Security Key (MSK).

    4. Print the permit, sign, and make a copy.

    5. Give the original to the minor to take to their school.

Last Modified on July 18, 2013