Henry's Stories

  • A new elementary school is on the way! – E-SPLOST 6 Updates


    When Henry County voters soundly approved the extension of the one-cent sales tax for education capital projects back in 2021, they did so with great understanding the growth taking place in the county and the additional schools needed to support this growth. The proposed project list included additional classroom space in the Dutchtown and Ola clusters, but there were two new elementary schools and a new STEM high school included on the list. The first of the two new elementary schools to be built will be Birch Creek Elementary after the Henry County Board of Education approved the company who will be responsible for building the newest campus.

    The location of the school will be off of Willow Lane in McDonough and help to relieve the student growth at both Oakland and Wesley Lakes elementary schools.

    Henry County is once again the fastest growing county in the Atlanta metro area, and student enrollment is on the rise, but Henry County Schools is ready. We’re ready to meet the needs of a growing community with outstanding school campuses full of the latest technology and resources.

    What comes next is the symbolic turning of dirt to get Birch Creek Elementary constructed. We can’t wait to keep you posted on the progress!