Henry's Stories

  • HCS Surpasses Pre-Pandemic Performance in Algebra I, Outpaces State


    Following two years of focused instruction despite the distractions caused by the pandemic, no one could have imagined it would be possible to have significantly higher performance than before the pandemic disrupted public education like never before. Henry County Schools leaders set out to ensure that learning gaps could be filled as quickly as possible to help anyone who may have gotten off track back on the right path to success.  No matter the subject, there were dedicated resources to help students.  Both math and reading/ELA are the subjects that every student in 3rd through 12th grade are tested on, and the data from the previous year’s test administration showed that there was work to be done to help student return to pre-pandemic performance levels.  Not only did the efforts of teachers and leaders work

    With the latest release of Georgia Milestones scores, our Algebra I performance can only be described as remarkable.

    Compared to metro-area districts, Henry County students not only showed growth, but their growth outpaced all other large districts in the region.

    Chief Learning & Performance Officer Termerion McCrary described how this was all made possible.

    “The credit really goes to our teachers who did the hard work of planning, teaching with rigor, assessing, and monitoring student performance. That’s truly how we did it,” said McCrary.

    Why is this growth so important?

    Algebra I is a foundational math course and is often used as an indicator of future high school success. We see these results as a promising sign that the district’s recover from the pandemic is well underway and student potential is unlimited.