
    Woodland High School      

    Forensics Science Course Syllabus


    Instructor: Ms. Gemma Erickson 

    Room: 320

    School Phone: (770) 389-2784

    Email: gemma.erickson@henry.k12.ga.us

    School Web Page: www.henry.k12.ga.us/wh

    Office Hours: Most Tuesdays and Thursdays (3:15 pm - 3:45 pm)


         Forensic Science Fundamentals & Investigations 2nd Edition, Bertino & Bertino


    Course Description:

    Forensic science is a course of rigor designed to build on science concepts and apply science to the investigation of crime scenes. Students will learn scientific protocols for analyzing a crime scene, how to use chemical and physical methods to isolate and identify materials, how to analyze biological evidence, and the criminal use of tools, including impressions from firearms, tool marks, arson, and explosive evidence. The attention to details, including the reporting of procedure and data, and development of critical thinking skills are vital for a future in any medical, forensic or biological science; these skills are also applicable to any number of fields outside of science. Good attendance and active participation are essential for success in forensic science


    Course Concepts



    Unit 1:  History, Organization, and Law                    

    Unit 2:  Crime Scene Investigation                   

    Unit 3:  Serology                                                         

    Unit 4:  DNA                                                              

    Unit 5:  Document Examination/Hairs and Fibers        

    Unit 6:  Fingerprints and Impressions

    Unit 7:  Arson, Explosives and Ballistics

    Unit 8:  Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology

    Unit 9:  Human Remains/Anthropology

    Unit 10: TBD time permitting



    Classroom Rules and Discipline Procedures:

    Expectations to ensure an optimum learning environment, please adhere to the following WHS Student Non-Negotiables.

    • Be in the classroom before the bell rings / on time. Tardies will be notated in Infinite Campus.
    • Put phones in the caddy.
    • Be prepared for class and ready to learn before the bell rings.
    • Dress for success – follow the dress code.
    • Refrain from eating in the classroom.
    • Hats and headgear should be removed upon entering the building.



    Use ONLY school chrome books, NO personal devices such as (Headphones and Earbuds.

    Use appropriate language in the building.

    Everything A.C.E.S.


    Laboratory Safety:

    A separate Lab Safety Contract will be provided for review and signature by both student and parent.  It must be signed by both parties and returned before the student can participate in the lab.  Failure to adhere to the safety regulations during a lab will result in immediate removal from the lab, loss of grade and possible disciplinary  actions according to the offense.


    Make-up Work Policies:

    Unexcused absences will result in no grades awarded for the work given while absent.  Excused absences allow the students to make up the work in the equal amount of time they were absent.


    School-wide Grading Requirements are as follows (Semester Grading):

    Semester Final Average:

    Final exam - 11th- 12th grade level courses- 20%

    Practice Work (EX’s: include: Classwork, Homework, Formative Assessments, Labs, Quizzes): 40% 

    Assessment Tasks (EX’s: include: Quizzes, Labs, Summative Assessments, Major Tests/Projects): 40%

    *Grades for each 9 week grading period can include a minimum of the following: 3 Tests in the Assessment Task category, 3 Labs/Quizzes in Assessment Task category and 3 Practice Work grades.


    DAILY Materials / Supplies Needed:

    • Pencil or Pen 
    • Paper
    • Folder for class
    • Highlighters (More than 1 Color)


    Technology Information:

    All students will sign the computer use form provided by Henry County Schools. Home Laptops should NOT be used in place of your school computer. Only school laptops will be allowed when taking a Quiz and/or Test. 


    Academic Integrity Policy:

    Academic integrity is a fundamental value of quality education; therefore, Woodland High School will NOT tolerate any acts of cheating, plagiarism, or falsification of schoolwork. Should it be determined that an academic integrity violation has taken place, the school reserves the right to assign a grade of a zero and submit a disciplinary referral to the appropriate Assistant Principal. The school also reserves the right to remove or suspend enrollment in any Advanced Placement/Honors classes as well as Academic Honor Societies.


    There is a separate signature page that goes with this Course Syllabus. It will need to be signed and returned. The above syllabus is for you to keep with your records.


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