• Introduction to Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

    Course Description

    Introduction to Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security (LPSCS) is a course that provides students with career-focused educational opportunities in various LPSCS fields. It examines the basic concepts of law related to citizens’ rights and responsibilities, and students will receive instruction in critical skill areas including communicating with diverse groups, conflict resolution, ethics, CERT (Citizens Emergency Response Training), basic firefighting, report writing, terrorism, civil and criminal law. Career planning and employability skills will be emphasized. Introduction to Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security is the pre-requisite for all other courses within the Career Cluster.


    Supplementary Texts or Special Materials:

    Georgia Virtual, Introduction to Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security https://gavirtual.instructure.com/courses/34311

    Texas Law Related Education https://texaslre.org/games/

    Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Manual https://www.uen.org/lawenfstudent/downloads/LE_StudentManual.pdf


    Special Assignments and Projects

    Resume, Career Portfolio, Unit Assessment, Performance Based Assessment, Citizens Emergency Response Training


    Supply List:

    3-Prong Folder, Paper, Pencil, Pen, Color Pencils


    Classroom Rules and Discipline Procedures:

    To ensure an optimum learning environment, please adhere to the following WHS Student Non-Negotiables:

    • Be in class on time
    • Be prepared for class and ready to learn before the bell rings.
    • Dress for success – follow the dress code
    • Refrain from eating in the classroom
    • Hats and headgear should be removed upon entering the building.
    • Technology use is at the discretion of each teacher.
    • Use appropriate language in the building
    • Everything A.C.E.S.