• Welcome to World History, Economics, and Environmental Science!

    I am Ms. Leitch and I am excited to be your teacher.


    Teacher's Name: Crystal Leitch

    School Email Address: Crystal.leitch@henry.k12.ga.us

    Subjects I teach: World History, Economics, Environmental Science


    Course Syllabi:

    World History Syllabi 24-25



    1st semester:

    Tuesday before school from 7:45 to 8:05.  Please arrive promptly at 7:45 with the information you need help with.


    • Classroom Rules and Discipline Procedures:

      To ensure an optimum learning environment, please adhere to the following WHS Student Non-Negotiables:

      • Be in class on time
      • Be prepared for class and ready to learn before the bell rings.
      • Dress for success – follow the dress code
      • Refrain from eating in the classroom
      • Hats and headgear should be removed upon entering the building.
      • Technology use is at the discretion of each teacher.
      • Use appropriate language in the building
      • Everything A.C.E.S.