HCS Board of Education Meeting – December 9, 2024

Posted by Sybil Barkley on 12/17/2024

Superintendent’s Welcome

Dr. Pace provided updates on his 90 Day Entry Plan, to include P.O.W.E.R. Forums, Community Leadership Academy, Legislative Breakfast, and Superintendent Advisories.


The 2023-2024 College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) scores were recently released, and in-depth reports will be shared at upcoming Board meetings. A few early indicators from the 2023 to 2024 data include thirty-three schools achieving an increase in content mastery, closing gaps increased by 26% overall with elementary schools showing a 59% gain, and our 87.7% graduation rate outperformed the state by 2%.


Some specific school gains in the area of Content Mastery include 19 schools at the elementary school level, 7 schools at the middle school level, and 7 schools at the high school level.

Additionally, 6 elementary schools (CIE, LGE, NHE, OES, ROE, RSE), 4 middle schools (ARE, DMS, OHS, WMS), and 2 high schools (MHS, OHS) showed growth in all measured areas of the CCRPI, with OHS outperforming the state in all 5 measured areas.


The Georgia Promise Scholarship school list was recently released by the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement last week, but it has now been removed while the GOSA office validates data. While this list does not reflect current performance of many of the schools identified, we embrace the opportunity to continue our focus on the belief that all students can achieve at or above grade level. The Board of Education’s local accountability policy, adopted in 2019, ensures the focus remains on student achievement and continuous improvement. Dr. Pace thanked school leaders, district staff members, and the Board of Education for support provided in the Pursuit of Exceptional for all students.


Dr. Pace recognized National Special Education Day which occurred on December 2nd to honor students, staff, and families.


The HCS Communication Department was also recognized for winning 13 awards at the recent Georgia Schools Public Relations Association (GSPRA) annual fall conference.


Dr. Pace and the Board of Education recognized Mrs. Holly Cobb and her 8 years of service as a HCS Board of Education member.




Holly Cobb District 3




1.     Core Business of Student Learning

    1. Henry Futures, Mr. Antonio Mattox, Chief Family and Student Support Services Officer

Mr. Mattox presented an update on the Henry Futures platform, dual enrollment, the Equity Lab Partnership, and family engagement initiatives, which have led to an increase in opportunities, expanded access, and improved outcomes for Henry County students.


The Henry Futures platform provides a comprehensive and personalized data driven approach for career assessments and career exploration, including information on dual enrollment, scholarships, and college applications. This platform prepares students for college, career, and life-readiness, and has resulted in a 21% increase in scholarships since the 2023 school year, as well as direct access to college applications.

Dual Enrollment is available to students in grades 10-12, where they can earn high school and college credit concurrently. Students can earn up to 30 college credits prior to high school graduation, saving time and money while also helping prepare students for post-secondary options.

College partnerships have been expanded through our partnership with the National Education Equity Lab, which allows HCS students access to college courses while in a Henry County classroom. Participating universities include Columbia, Cornell, Georgetown, Harvard, Howard, Princeton, Spelman, Stanford, and Georgetown. We have seen a 670% increase in enrollment since the program’s inception, HCS is 1 of only 2 districts in Georgia with awards and recognitions in the top 20% of student performance in the honors program.


Family Engagement opportunities have helped share information regarding college and career readiness, to include Evening with UGA, the PROBE College/Military Fair, advisement with counselors, Henry Futures workshops, information sessions on scholarship opportunities and dual enrollment, just to name a few.


These initiatives supported by the Board of Education and community-inspired strategic plan have led to increases in scholarships, increases in Dual Enrollment participation, and valuable partnerships with post-secondary institutions, to advance opportunities and access for every student.


2.     Ensuring Operational Effectiveness


    1. November Construction and E-SPLOST Report, Mr. Barry Miles, Chief Operations Officer

Mr. Miles provided a report on November construction progress.


i.      School Electronic Message Signs

Installation of electronic signs has been completed, with training for school personnel nearing completion.

ii.     New Administration Office Facility & Renovations to Existing Administration Office Facility

Carpet and LVT installation has been completed, with electrical and mechanical installation nearing completion. Sod is also being installed.

      1. New Transportation Facility & Renovations to Existing Transportation Installation of mechanical and electrical features is ongoing, the bus lift is being installed, and door frame and window installation is ongoing.
      2. Renovations, Modifications, and Additions for Ola Middle School

The foundation and slab have been poured.

v.     STEM High School

Demolition of the current site has begun with site utility removal, with retention ponds being installed.

vi.    Additional Updates

        • The punch list items for Birch Creek Elementary are in progress.



b.     November 2024 Financial Reports, Mrs. Shanika Clay, Chief Financial Officer


      1. November Financial Report
  • General Fund Assets and Total Cash on Hand - The total value of general fund’s assets at the close of November totaled $250.3 million, while Cash on Hand across all funds during this reporting period totaled $455.4 million.
  • E-SPLOST VI - There were expenditures of $3.8 million in the month of November with the majority of those funds allocated for construction projects.
  • Capital Accumulation - There were expenditures of $596,990.74 dollars with investments in safety and security being the key driver in the month of November.

c.     FY26 Budget Calendar, Mrs. Shanika Clay, Chief Financial Officer

The FY26 Budget Development Calendar was presented, and indicates selection of budget priorities in January 2025, a budget outlook in February 2025, a budget overview in March 2025, and the presentation of a tentative FY26 budget in April 2025. The Board is anticipating to tentatively approve the FY26 budget in April 2025, with final budget adoption scheduled for May 2025.


d.     Comprehensive Policy Review, Mrs. Summer Cox, Chief of Staff

Mrs. Cox presented information on the Comprehensive Policy Review, which will occur throughout the 2024-2025 school year in alignment with Board Policy BD, which states the Board will conduct a review of policies every 5 years. Of the nine policies reviewed for the month of December, five are recommended for revision: Policy DIB- Financial Reports, Policy DIE- Fraud Prevention, Policy IFCB-Field Trips and Excursions, Policy JBC(3)- Social Security Numbers, and Policy

JGCC-Infectious Diseases. All five policies are available for public review and comment here.





1.     Comprehensive Policy Review

The Board of Education approved the revised policies (HCBOE Policies DFL and JBD) with a vote of 5 to 0.


2.     FY25 Budget Amendment

The Board of Education approved the FY25 Budget Amendment with a vote of 5 to 0.


3.     2025 Sick Leave Bank Committee

The Board of Education approved the 2025 Sick Leave Bank Committee with a vote of 5 to 0.





Inspiration for the December Board Meeting was provided by Tussahaw Elementary School students. The students sang the song, “Be an Inventor.” Tussahaw Elementary School’s music teacher is Ms. Leandrea Lawrence, and the principal is Dr. Lakani-Jones.


TES Inspiration




2024 Model Water Tower Competition

The Henry County Model Water Tower Competition offered middle school students an engaging, science-based event designed to spark interest in engineering and introduce them to careers in the water industry. Students were challenged to design and construct a water tower that met specific size and height requirements. The towers were evaluated on leak prevention, stability, hydraulic and structural efficiency, design creativity, and the use of recycled materials. Students further developed their presentation and interview skills by discussing their towers with a panel of water industry professionals and participated in a range of science, technology, engineering, and math activities.

     View Full Album here.

Austin Road Middle School

  • Elijah Atkins – 1st place winner
    • Libra Brittian, Principal
    • Garynne Parks, Teacher

ARE Winner



2024 National Education Equity Lab Golden Educator Award

The National Education Equity Lab empowers colleges to take a more active role in developing and inspiring the next generation of leaders. In partnership with pioneering universities, they deliver and support online college credit-bearing courses into teacher-led high school classrooms across the county at no cost to students. The National Equity Lab honors incredible teachers and one of our amazing Henry County teacher facilitators was selected as a recipient of the 2024 National Education Equity Golden Educator Award. This award recognizes exceptional Ed Equity Lab teachers who have taught two or more sections and maintained an impressive course rating of 95% or higher.


Stockbridge High School

  • David Chapa Perez – Computer Science Teacher
    • James Thornton, Principal


Golden Educator Award



June Bryant Social Studies Teacher of Promise Award

The June Bryant Social Studies Teacher of Promise Award is given by the Georgia Council for the Social Studies to a teacher in their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year of teaching in the area of social studies. The criteria for selection includes: Efforts toward the improvement of student learning and engagement in social studies; Activities that demonstrate the beginnings of service and foster the development of democratic values and citizenship in the classroom, school, and community; Seeking out and use of multiple sources to enhance social studies instruction, and Professional interest and involvement beyond the normal job requirements.


McDonough High School

  • Juwuan Smith – Social Studies Teacher
    • Monica Blasingame, Principal

June Bryant Social Studies Award Recipient





New Position

Previous Position

Janae Cohen

Assistant Principal Hampton Elementary School

Instructional Effectiveness Facilitator Red Oak Elementary School




District Board Member


District 1, Dr. Pam Nutt

Dr. Nutt congratulated Hampton High School for collecting over 600 toys for their local toy drive.

Dr. Nutt thanked Locust Grove High School for providing a Thanksgiving luncheon for the staff.


Dr. Nutt recognized the Locust Grove High School Girls flag football team as they advanced to the playoffs.


Dr. Nutt congratulated the Locust Grove High School cheerleaders for placing 7th at the GHSA Game Day cheerleading competition.


Dr. Nutt congratulated McDonough High School alum Harold Jarquin-Ramirez on his Naval Officer Commissioning at Savannah State College.


Thank you to Learning and Performance Division for the shirt.


Happy Holidays to all!

District 2, Annette Edwards (Vice Chair)

Mrs. Edwards thanked all employees for the superb job being done with our students.

Mrs. Edwards congratulated Mr. Chapa Perez from Stockbridge High School for receiving the Education Equity Lab Golden Educator Award.


Mrs. Edwards recognized the Dutchtown High School Girls flag football team as they advanced to the playoffs.


Mrs. Edwards recognized Red Oak Elementary and their 20th anniversary celebration.


Happy Holidays to all!




Mrs. Edwards referenced the GA Promise Scholarship data that had been published and the responsibility of the Board as they ensure that data shared with the community is accurate.

District 3, Holly Cobb

Mrs. Cobb congratulated Ola High School football for their Sweet 16 appearance.

Mrs. Cobb congratulated Ola High School girls flag football for advancing to the state playoffs.


Thank you to employees of Henry County Schools for all you do and continue to do for this school system.

Thank you for the relationships formed and the work that has been done over the past 8 years.

District 4, Sophe Pope (Chair)

Mrs. Pope congratulated Dutchtown High School for their Sweet 16 appearance.

Mrs. Pope congratulated Woodland High School girls flag football for advancing to the state playoffs.


Mrs. Pope thanked Mrs. Cobb for her continuous leadership both on the local and state level.


Happy Holidays to all!

District 5, Mackenzie McDaniel

Mr. McDaniel congratulated Luella High School football for their Sweet 16 football appearance.

Mr. McDaniel recognized Ms. Kia Scurry from Hampton High School for receiving the Henry County Toast Masters Partnership Award.

Mr. McDaniel referenced the GA Promise Scholarship data that had been published and the responsibility of the Board as they ensure that data shared with the community is accurate.