• Hi!

    We're excited for a new school year. Please make sure you are ready to learn. This means you have proper sleep the night before a school day and have a good breakfast the morning of school. 

    Scholars should have the following for science:

    1- 3 ring binder: 2 inches (at least 1 1/2" - 2”)

        This binder will be used for science only.

    1- pack of dividers: 5-8 dividers needed

    1- composition notebook (science fair must  


    1- pack of pencils

    • If mechanical, supply with lead too

    1- each color pen: blue, black, red

    1- highlighter: any color

    1- colored pencils

    1- glue stick

    2- packs of looseleaf paper: college ruled 

    1- pack of graph paper

    1- set of earbuds (for online HMH videos): NO headphones or airpods. NOT optional.


    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your scholar's science teacher.