• Updated 7/6/2022: Johns

    Unit 1: Matter

    STANDARD: S8P1   Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the structure and properties of matter. 

    ELEMENT: S8P1.e   Develop models (e.g., atomic-level models, including drawings, and computer representations) by analyzing patterns within the periodic table that illustrate the structure, composition, and characteristics of atoms (protons, neutrons, and electrons) and simple molecules.


    1. I can identify subatomic particles and their locations in the atom. (Knowledge)
    2. I can construct subatomic models of atoms, including drawings, and/or computer representations, which depict protons, neutrons, and electrons. (Product)
    3. I can identify patterns in the periodic table. (Knowledge) 
    4. I can identify characteristics of categories of elements in the periodic table. (Knowledge)
    5. I can analyze patterns within the periodic table. (Reasoning)
    6. I can develop models that illustrate the characteristics of elements and simple molecules. (Product)

    Click: What is an Atom?

    Have you ever seen an atom?

    How to Draw Atoms (Bohr Model)

    Creating a Bohr Model at Home

    The Periodic Table Explained

    Families of the Periodic Table

    Patterns in the Periodic Table


    Periodic Trends: Atomic Radius