• Updated 7/14/2022: Johns

    Unit 4: Characteristics of Waves

    STANDARD: S8P4   Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to support the claim that electromagnetic (light) waves behave differently than mechanical (sound) waves.

    ELEMENT: S8P4.c   Design a device to illustrate practical applications of the electromagnetic spectrum (e.g., communication, medical, military).


    1. I can identify practical applications of the electromagnetic spectrum. (Knowledge)
    2. I can use multiple sources to explore practical applications of the electromagnetic spectrum. (Skill)
    3. I can design a device to illustrate practical applications of the electromagnetic spectrum. (Product)

    LT #1: Practical Applications of the Electromagnetic Spectrum


    LT #1: Practical Uses of the Electromagnetic Spectrum


    Learning Targets #2 and #3 will be discussed in class.