• Updated 6/24/2022: Johns

    Unit 1: Matter

    STANDARD: S8P1   Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the structure and properties of matter. 

    ELEMENT: S8P1.a   Develop and use a model to compare and contrast pure substances (elements and compounds) and mixtures. 

    LEARNING TARGETS: (Clarification statement: Include heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures. Types of bonds and compounds will be addressed in high school physical science.)

    1. I can identify pure substances and mixtures. (Knowledge)
    2. I can distinguish between pure substances and mixtures. (Knowledge)
    3. I can classify mixtures as heterogeneous and homogeneous and give examples. (Knowledge).
    4. I can compare and contrast pure substances and mixtures. (Reasoning)
    5. I can describe the characteristics and properties of elements, compounds, and mixtures.  (Reasoning)
    6. I can use a model to compare and contrast pure substances and mixtures. (Reasoning)
    7. I can develop a model to compare and contrast pure substances and mixtures. (Product)



    Separating Mixtures







    What are pure substances? They can be elements or compounds.