8th Grade Physical Science
Page Navigation
- Overview
- S8P1.a- Pure Substances & Mixtures
- S8P1.b- States & Phases of Matter
- S8P1.c- Physical and Chemical Properties
- S8P1.d- Physical & Chemical Changes
- S8P1.e- Structures of Atoms & Molecules AND Patterns in the Periodic Table
- S8P1.f- Conservation of Matter and Mass
- S8P2.a- Graphing Kinetic & Potential Energy
- S8P2.b- Potential & Kinetic Energies
- S8P2.c- Forms & Transformations of Energy
- S8P2.d- Heat Transfer
- S8P3.a- Analyze Speed, Distance, Velocity & Acceleration
- S8P3.b- Newton's 3 Laws of Motion
- S8P3.c- Inertia (Newton's 1st Law)
- S8P4.a- Types of Waves & Wave Properties
- S8P4.b- Electromagnetic Spectrum and Energy
- S8P4.c- Practical Applications of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
- S8P4.d- Compare/Contrast Sound & Light Waves
- S8P4.e- Density of Media and Wave Behavior
- S8P4.f- Use a Model to Predict and Describe the Relationships Between Wave Properties and Energy
- S8P4.g- Lenses and Possible Technological Applications
- S8P5.a- Fields Exist Between Objects (Gravitational, Magnetic, Electrical)
- S8P5.b- Conductors and Insulators
- S8P5.c- Electric and Magnetic Forces
- C.E.R. Writing - Claim, Evidence, Reasoning
- How to Ask Scientific Questions
- Materials Needed for Science
Updated 7/14/2022: Johns
Unit 4: Characteristics of Waves
STANDARD: S8P4 Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to support the claim that electromagnetic (light) waves behave differently than mechanical (sound) waves.
ELEMENT: S8P4.d Develop and use a model to compare and contrast how light and sound waves are reflected, refracted, absorbed, diffracted or transmitted through various materials.
LEARNING TARGETS: (Clarification statement: Includes echo and how color is seen, but does not cover interference and scattering)
- I can define reflected, refracted, absorbed, diffracted and transmitted. (Knowledge)
- I can explain the difference between light and sound waves. (Knowledge)
- I can describe the reflection, refraction, absorption, and diffraction of light and sound waves. (Reasoning)
- I can explain how light and sound travel through various materials. (Reasoning)
- I can illustrate and describe what happens when a sound echoes. (Reasoning)
- I can illustrate and explain how color is seen. (Reasoning)
- I can develop and use a model to compare and contrast how light and sound waves interact with matter. (Product)
LT#4: How Light Travels
LT#4: How Light Travels: Opaque, Transparent, and Transluscent Objects
LT #4: How Sound Travels Through Different Media
LT #4: How does Sound Travel?
LTs #1, #2, #3, and #5: Wave Behaviors
LTs #1 and #2: Differences between Reflection, Refraction, and Diffraction of LIGHT
LTs #1, #2, and #4: Sound Wave Behaviors: Reflection, Absorption, and Transmission
LT #5: What's an Echo?
LTs #1, #2, #3 and #5: Reflection of Sound and Echo
LT #5: What Does an Echo Look Like in Echolocation?
LT #5: Echolocation: Blind Man Uses Bat-Like "Vision"
LTs #1 and #3: Sound Diffraction and Interference
LT #6: What is Color?
LT #6: How do We See Color? (Rods and Cones in the Eyes)
LT#6: How do We See Different Colors?
EXTRA: Testing the World's Longest Echo
Learning Target #7 will be discussed in class.