• Updated 7/7/2022: Johns

    Unit 3: Force and Motion

    STANDARD: S8P3   Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about cause and effect relationships between force, mass, and the motion of objects. 

    ELEMENT: S8P3.a   Analyze and interpret data to identify patterns in the relationships between speed and distance, and velocity and acceleration.

    LEARNING TARGETS: (Clarification statement: Students should be able to analyze motion graphs, but students should not be expected to calculate velocity or acceleration.)

    1. I can define speed and distance. (Knowledge)
    2. I can define velocity and acceleration. (Knowledge)
    3. I can describe and explain the difference between speed and velocity. (Reasoning)
    4. I can explain the relationship between speed and distance, and velocity and acceleration. (Reasoning)
    5. I can describe how an object can move at a constant speed, but still accelerate. (Reasoning)
    6. I can analyze and interpret data in a graph. (Reasoning)
    7. I can analyze motion graphs to determine the motion of objects. (Reasoning)
    8. I can analyze and interpret data to identify patterns in the relationship between speed and distance, and velocity and acceleration. (Reasoning)

    What is Speed?


    Distance vs Displacement


    What is Velocity?

    What is Acceleration? 

     Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration


    Position, Velocity, & Acceleration vs Time Graphs

     Distance - Time Graph


    Speed-Time Graphs and Acceleration