• Updated 7/7/2022: Johns

    Unit 2: Forms and Transformations of Energy

    STANDARD: S8P2   Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the law of conservation of energy to develop arguments that energy can transform from one form to another within a system. 

    ELEMENT: S8P2.b   Plan and carry out an investigation to explain the transformation between kinetic and potential energy within a system (e.g., roller coasters, pendulums, rubber bands, etc.).


    1. I can define kinetic energy. (Knowledge)
    2. I can define potential energy. (Knowledge)
    3. I can identify examples of kinetic and potential energy transformations within a system. (Knowledge)
    4. I can identify and explain examples of kinetic and potential energy. (Reasoning)
    5. I can differentiate between kinetic energy and potential energy within a system. (Reasoning)
    6. I can differentiate between kinetic and potential energy and analyze situations where kinetic energy is converted to potential energy. (Reasoning)
    7. I can plan and carry out an investigation to explain the transformation between kinetic and potential energy within a system. (Skill)
    8. I can communicate data from my investigation to provide evidence of transformation between kinetic and potential energy. (Product)

    Potential and Kinetic Energies

    Click: Examples - Kinetic and Potential Energies (Song)

    Potential and Kinetic Energy & Law of Conservation of Energy


    Potential and Kinetic Energy in a System - Roller Coaster


    Potential and Kinetic Energy in a System - Pendulum