• Updated 7/6/2022: Johns

    Unit 1: Matter

    STANDARD: S8P1   Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the structure and properties of matter. 

    ELEMENT: S8P1.d   Construct an argument based on observational evidence to support the claim that when a change in a substance occurs, it can be classified as either chemical or physical.

    LEARNING TARGETS: (Clarification statement: Evidence could include ability to separate mixtures, development of a gas, formation of a precipitate, change in energy, color, and/or form.)

    1. I can identify changes in objects and/or substances as physical or chemical. (Knowledge)
    2. I can compare and contrast physical and chemical changes. (Reasoning)
    3. I can classify changes in objects and/or substances as physical or chemical. (Reasoning)
    4. I can discuss the relationship of heat, energy and change in a substance. (Reasoning)
    5. I can justify evidence to support claims when physical or chemical changes occur. (Reasoning)
    6. I can construct an argument based on observational evidence to support the claim for when changes in substances are classified as physical or chemical. (Product).

    Physical and Chemical Changes


    Physical and Chemical Changes


    Physical vs. Chemical Changes

    Differences between Physical Change and Chemical Change

    Examples of Physical and Chemical Changes

    7 Signs a Chemical Reaction is Taking Place


    Introduction to Thermochemistry: What happens when there is a Chemical Reaction?


    Endothermic and Exothermic Heat - Chemical Reaction


    Construct an Argument: C.E.R.- Claim, Evidence, Reasoning