• Updated 7/14/2022: Johns

    Unit 4: Characteristics of Waves

    STANDARD: S8P4   Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to support the claim that electromagnetic (light) waves behave differently than mechanical (sound) waves.

    ELEMENT: S8P4.b   Construct an explanation using data to illustrate the relationship between the electromagnetic spectrum and energy.


    1. I can define frequency and wavelength.  (Knowledge)
    2. I can describe the electromagnetic spectrum.
    3. I can describe the relationship between the electromagnetic spectrum and energy. (Reasoning)
    4. I can explain the relationship between energy, wavelength and frequency. (Reasoning)
    5. I can explain differences in wavelength and frequencies of waves within the electromagnetic spectrum. (Reasoning)
    6. I can use data to illustrate the relationship between the electromagnetic spectrum and energy. (Skill)
    7. I can construct an explanation using data to illustrate the relationship between the electromagnetic spectrum and energy. (Reasoning)

    LTs #1, #4, and #5: Frequency and Wavelength


    LT #2: What is the Electromagnetic Spectrum? Click on "Watch on YouTube".


    LT #2: The Electromagnetic Spectrum - N.A.S.A.


    LTs #4 and #5: The Relationship between Wavelength, Frequency, and Energy of the Electromagnetic Spectrum


    LTs #1, #2, #5, #6, and #7: Light Waves, Microwaves, and UV Waves: Understanding the Electromagnetic Spectrum

    This video helps you read the Electromagnetic Spectrum by showing you the different wavelengths and frequencies.


    LTs #3, #4, #5, #6, and #7: What is Color?


    LTs #4, #5, #6, and #7 : How Do We See Color?


    Extra Information: Light Waves: Visible and Invisible