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School supplies

Course Description

  • The purpose of this course is for the student to gain competence in:

    • Reading- Students will increase vocabulary and use of context clues to gain knowledge and improve reading comprehension, while gaining an appreciation for a variety of literary genres.
    • Writing- Students will develop writing skills to compose well-developed, cohesive paragraphs and multi-paragraph essays by addressing sentence structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation and usage.
    • Research and Argumentation - Students will design and implement concise and sustained research tasks focused by questions and understandings of rigorous topics. Students will communicate information, reasoning, and supporting evidence that conveys a clear and distinct perspective. 
    • 21st Century Skills- Students will demonstrate competence in Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication, and Creativity while developing a sense of local and global citizenship


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    • School issued laptop and charger
    • Earbuds 
    • Required Textbook- Intro to Literature 10th Grade 
    • Reliable Wifi