

    Health Syllabus 2022-23

    Eagle’s Landing High School


    Yasmeen Randolph

    Email: yasmeen.randolph@henry.k12.ga.us


    ***Scan the QR code to access the Health Education syllabus. After reading, please sign and date below, acknowledging that you have read and understand, and will adhere to the policies and procedures listed in this syllabus.***


    Class Objectives

    To successfully meet the state health and physical education requirements of ½ credit 

    for graduation.

    To sharpen students’ judgment as they consider health issues and learn to apply 

    decision-making skills to make healthy choices.


    Class Expectations

    The following rules are needed and in place for each student to be successful. Students are expected to be in class by the time the bell rings. If students are not in class by the time the tardy bell rings, they will need to obtain a tardy pass from one of the tardy kiosks in the hall. Students are expected to come to class with the appropriate materials to participate. These materials include: Their technology (chromebook), and a writing utensil. The classroom environment must be one that allows the educational process to take place. The following will not be tolerated: 

    • Using cell phones (I do not allow cell phone use in my classroom during instructional time.)

    • The use of earbuds/headphones during class (they must be removed and put away prior to entering class)

    • Student chromebooks are assigned to all students so all students are responsible 

    for bringing their chromebooks daily

    • Talking without permission

    • Horse play

    • Throwing paper and other items

    • Eating in class (Unless approved by the teacher)

    • Leaving the classroom without permission and without a pass

    • Inappropriate language (vulgar or obscene; no profanity)

    • It is expected that all students will respect their teacher, all faculty and staff, other students, school property and the property of others.



    All of the rules and procedures of the Henry County Schools Student Handbook will be strictly enforced. Consequences for violation of any of the rules or procedures may include, but are not limited to the following: verbal correction, changed seating assignment, call/email to parents, and/or discipline referral. 



    Classwork/Daily participation 40%

    Tests/Quizzes 40%

    Final Exam 20%


    Make-Up Work Policies

    All assignments are due on their due date. I will not accept any late work unless the student has an excused absence. With an excused absence, students have the amount of days missed plus an additional day to get any missing assignments done. If a student misses any quizzes or tests, it is the students' responsibility to make up during class time.


    Choosing The Best Journey 

    All students enrolled in grades 9-12 in Georgia’s public schools are required to take a course in Health Education. Included in health education are topics of study for mental health, growth and development, disease prevention, and family living. These topics of study involve classroom instruction on human sexuality and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) prevention.

    Georgia’s Quality Basic Education Laws, Georgia’s Public Schools Standards, and State Board of Education policy requires all schools to offer a course study in human sexuality and AIDS prevention. Eagle’s Landing High School teaches the nationally recognized program, Choosing the Best Journey. However, your child will not be required to participate in these course studies without your consent. Should you choose to exempt your child from studying these issues, he or she will be given other health topics for study (please be sure to select the appropriate response for your child’s instructions on the following page). 




    Thank you for partnering with ELHS for your student’s high school education. We look forward to a great year!!!


    Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about this syllabus and/or regarding your student’s performance in my class (email and Groupme is the best way to reach me).


    Physical Education Department 


    Parents/guardians and students are encouraged to join my Groupme in order to receive updates, reminders, and announcements about my health class. Also, this is the best and quickest way to reach me. 


    This portion of your syllabus is due no later than Wednesday ,August 10,2022

    (If you miss the due date, I will not accept your signed syllabus for a grade.) 


    • STUDENT NAME (PRINT) ___________________________ CLASS PER. __


    STUDENT SIGNATURE _______________________ DATE __________


    PARENT NAME (PRINT) ________________________________________





    PHONE (PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR PHONE NUMBER) ______________________

    EMAIL (please provide your email if you would like to be invited to my Google classroom) 


    Choosing the Best Journey

    I give my student permission to take Choosing the Best during his/her Health class.


    I do not want my student to take Choosing the Best during his/her Health class. I 

    understand that my student will be given an alternate assignment in place of this unit.


    If there is any additional information I need to know about your student, please feel free to list it here or email it to me please. Thank you so much! 



    I would like to be invited to Ms. Randolph’s google classroom (an invite will be sent to 

    your email address; please provide it in the parent contact above).