• ELHS Remote Learning Days:
    Greetings, Parents and Students!
    Henry County Schools are currently scheduled to be closed for 2 weeks (3/16-3/27). During this time we will be Remote Learning!

    I will hold Office Hours from 7:45am-8:15am and 3:15pm-3:45pm Monday-Friday. I will be closely monitoring my email, so feel free to reach out with any questions and/or concerns!
    All assignments can be posted on Google Classroom and students are aware of how to access these assignments.
    If you have any questions please contact me at joanna.spalding@henry.k12.ga.us

    Thank you,

    Mrs. Spalding

     Google Classroom Codes:

    1st:  2vagbwr

    2nd:  tpc3dbn

    3rd:  by7akbr

    4th:  q5fqwrf

    6th:  ilownqs

    7th:  jsltymk


    Thank you for visiting my page!  

    My name is Mrs. Spalding and I teach Biology and Environmental Science. This year in all classes we will be focusing on fostering healthy life and work habits and a strong sense of community while also mastering the class material! 

    We will mostly be using Google Classroom as a place to communicate and to view assignments.  

    My e-mail addres is Joanna.Spalding@henry.k12.ga.us.  Please e-mail me if you have any questions, comments or concerns!


    Biology is a milestones course, meaning we will take a state End of Course Test in the Spring.  To view the Henry County biology learning targets, standards and course progression, click here: Biology_HTLS

    Environmental Science


    Environmental science does not have a state test in the Spring.  We will follow the county progressions but midterm and final exams will be teacher-created. To view the Henry County environmental science learning targets, standards and course progression, click here: Environmental Science_HTLS


    Mrs. Spalding in her classroom