
    Welcome to my Web Page


    Teacher Name: Guest

    School Email Address: cesar.lainez@henry.k12.ga.us

    Subjects: Spanish I, II & Native Speakers


    Greetings, Parents and Students!
    Henry County Schools are currently scheduled to be closed for 2 weeks (3/16-3/27).

    During this time we will be Remote Learning!

    I will hold Office Hours from 7:45am-8:15am and 3:15pm-3:45pm Monday-Friday. 
    All assignments can be posted on Google Classroom and students are aware of how to access these assignments.
    If you have any questions please contact me at cesar.lainez@henry.k12.ga.us

    Thank you,

    Sr. Lainez


    ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!


    Welcome to Spanish class!


    My name is Cesar Lainez, I will be teaching Spanish I, II & Native Speakers during the 2019-2020 school year; I am convinced that this will be a great school year.

    Click here to visit the Eagle's Landing Boys Soccer Web Page.

    In the Spanish I class we will establish the basic foundation to learn Spanish, we will also learn cultural aspects of Spanish speaking countries; this way we will prepare the students to have a successful performance in the  Spanish II class by giving them a more profound knowledge about language and help them develop their abilities to communicate


