Remote Learning Office Hours

    • The office

  • My virtual office hours will be conducted for tutoring and conferencing regarding academic progress, via Google Meets. The normal institutional hours designated for virtually instructing the students will be 8:10 AM-3:15 PM. Tutoring and/or virutal conferencing will be conducted between the times of 7:45 AM-8:10 AM and 3:15 PM-3:45 PM. If you would like to schedule tutroing or conferencing please email me at  

    Google Meet

    All tutoring and conferencing will be conducted via Google Meets. Students, parents/guardians, teacher can request tutoring and conferencing through Office 360 outlook email. Tutoring and conferencing request should be requested via email atleast 24 hours in advance. Google Meet Links will be given to the student and parent/guardian once tutoring session/conference is scheduled.  

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