

Degrees and Certifications:

Class Information

Please sign up for Remind messages. Remind allows the teacher, student and parents to communicate effectively and quickly.


Class code:

Environmental Science - @envjohn


There is an app available for both Apple and Android devices. If you have the app you can add the class directly through the class code listed above. If you do not have the app you can text the number 81010 and in the body of the message enter the class code. Please put in your real name when prompted for your name (students only), parents please put in your name as well as your child's legal name if room allows. 


Google Classroom:

This year we will be using Google Classroom to deliver a lot of the material in my course. I will post about 80% of the materials and assignments within the classroom. Each student will login through their student id #@ and the password is the same one they use to login to the school computers.