• "Educating Each for the Benefit of All"

    Our Mission Statement at Eagle's Landing High School has been developed through our School Improvement Process with discussion and input from all stakeholders, including teachers, support staff, students, parents, and community members.

    In keeping with this philosophy, we support the following core assertions:
    All students are valued.
    Student learning is the primary focus of all decisions impacting the work of the school. 
    Parental and community involvement is an integral part of the school-family-community relationship.
    Adult presence and student engagement support a safe and learning focused school.
    Students should be encouraged to be actively at school everyday and to take pride in their accomplishments (i.e. both individual and school academic and extracurricular achievements)
    Faculty and student collaboration allows us to improve as instructional leaders and develop a cohesive environment for/of academic excellence. 
    Student performance data drives instruction and the selection of teaching strategies.
    Students should take personally challenging and rigorous courses with mastery and post-graduation success as objectives.
    Faculty, Staff, and Administration will utilize Standards for alignment with curriculum for the benefit of student learning.

    Faculty, Staff and Students are responsible digital citizens when they practice safe, positive, legal and ethical behavior on tech enabled devices.