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Accessing eBooks from Home:
Overdrive/Sora eBooks: to use Overdrive e-books:
a. go to or click on the OverDrive or Sora app in ClassLink
b. If prompted: log in with your username (student number) and password
c. use the search box to type in the title of the book you wish to check out
d. hover over the book and click on "borrow"
To find a particular reading level:1. At the top of the screen click on "levels" and "ATOS Level"2. On the left hand side of the screen click on "ATOS Level"3. Select a level and search-
Access Sora on your Mobile Device (mobile phone, tablet, etc.)
-visit the Apple App Store or Google Play
-search for the Sora App
-Download the App
-Find your School (type Luella Elementary School)
-Login with your student credential (same as Chromebook login)
-Search for a book
1. Go to the GALILEO app in ClassLink/Launchpad.
2. Choose our school.
3. Log in with the current password. Email Ms. Freeman if you don't know it.
4. Type in a topic to search and look for "eBook" under the picture.
5. I like to open the books by clicking on the table of contents link.
Do you need to know if a book is AR? Try looking for the book on
Last Modified on May 21, 2024