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Mt. Carmel Elementary School
Every student at Mt. Carmel Elementary School is expected to read for at least 15 minutes every night and take at least 1 AR test per week. Students are expected to strive to meet their AR goal listed by grade level below. In order for students to meet their AR goal they must read on their independent reading level and maintain at least an 80% average. Following these guidelines will prepare students for state standardized tests and follows the HCS teaching and learning standards.
Grade Level
Goal (End of Year)
35 points
First Grade
50 points
Second Grade
60 points
Third Grade
70 points
Fourth Grade
80 points
Fifth Grade
90 points
Students will attend a celebration at the end of every nine weeks for meeting their AR 9 week goal.
Grade Level
9 points each 9 weeks and an 80% or better averageFirst Grade
12 points each 9 weeks and an 80% or better averageSecond Grade
15 points each 9 weeks and an 80% or better averageThird Grade
18 points each 9 weeks and an 80% or better averageFourth Grade
20 points each 9 weeks or an 80% or better averageFifth Grade
23 points each 9 weeks and an 80% or better averageAll students achieving their reading goal will attend the AR party in May.
AR Test Taking Guidelines:- Students may only take quizzes on books they have read, had read to them by a parent or guardian, or read with a parent or guardian.
- Students may not take a quiz on a book that has been made into a movie, video, or television show unless they have also read the book.
- Students may not take quizzes for other students.
- Students may not discuss AR questions or answers with other students.
- Students must not reveal their password to anyone other than an adult.
ConsequencesFirst Time Offense
AR tests will be deleted and the student's teacher will be notified.
Second Offense:Offending students will not receive recognition or rewards for AR.Parents will be notified.
Handbook guidelines for cheating will be followed.Teacher Notes:
Mrs. Freeman will check classroom reports every 9 weeks and email teachers the names of students who have met their goals for the 9 week period. In order for students to meet their goal, they must have at least an 80% average.