Page Navigation
- Overview
- Open House Information 24-25
- OMS Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP)
- Monae Gilchrist, 8th Grade Counselor
- Dr. Tarleton, 7th Grade Counselor
- Royette Evans, 6th Grade Counselor
- Academic Support Information
- Student Wellness/Social Emotional Support
- College and Career Readiness
- Attendance
- Infinite Campus/Parent Portal
- Work Permit
Students make many transitions during their years of schooling: from home to school, elementary to middle school, middle to high school, and high school to college or work. These transitions are usually major events in the lives of students and parents. The stresses created by these transitions can be minimized when the new environment is responsive to each particular age group.
Middle school is an important time to emphasize mastery and improvement, rather than relative ability and social comparison. Empirical evidence suggests that middle schools tend to stress relative ability and competition among students more, and effort and improvement less, leading to a decline in task goals, ability goals, and academic efficacy. Working in groups, focusing on effort and improvement, and being given choices all support a more positive task-focused goal structure.