• Understanding the Obligations of NHS Membership

    Members are required to maintain the same level of performance (or better) in all four criteria that led to their selection. NHS members are expected to complete school and community service hours that are selected by the Union Grove High School Chapter. Failure to complete the required hours or maintain the Selection Criteria will result in dismissal.

    Students who accept membership must be aware of the time and commitment involved with this honor. For example, there will be mandatory chapter meetings.  Members also must participate in chapter and individual service projects to benefit the school and community. Contact the chapter adviser to obtain a full list of the obligations of membership for the school’s chapter.

    Service Hours: Students must complete service hours with other organizations.  Two activities per semester are expected, where at least one of the organizations must be an extension of school (both activities with school orgs are permitted). Fundraising or drives (like can/clothes) can be used no more than one of the 4 times.  Service hours must be a minimum of 1 hour per activity.  Be sure to turn in completed documentation found here.


    Dues must be paid within the first month of the first meeting. 

    Causes for removal involve not fulfilling the above criteria.  This includes, but is not limited to, cheating, lying, violations of the behavior code in the Union Grove High School Code of Conduct, getting ISS/OSS, etc.


    Active members are required to maintain a cumulative 3.8 average.  Falling to a minimum of 3.5 will place a member on academic probation.  Falling below that minimum or failure to raise the average up to 3.8 within one semester will result in dismissal.



    The NHS meets each month on a specified day selected based on information gathered at the first meeting.  Meetings begin at 7:35 am.  An alternative meeting is held the same day beginning at 3:20. Absences in excess of 2 excused or 1 unexcused result in dismissal.  Excuses must be documented with the sponsor and are the responsibility of the member to supply them upon returning to school.  Two tardies equal 1 unexcused absence.  Arriving 10 minutes or more after starting time is counted as an absence. 

    Officer meetings are held as needed (usually a week in advance) in preparation for the member meeting.


Last Modified on March 4, 2022