• Welcome to Señora Davis's web page
    Teacher Name: Wendy Davis
    School Email Address: wendy.davis@henry.k12.ga.us
    Subjects I Teach: Spanish I, Spanish II & Honors Spanish II

    Bienvenidos (welcome) to Spanish class!  I'm excited to be teaching Spanish II and Honors Spanish II this year at Union Grove.  This is my thirteenth year teaching.  I graduated from Georgia College & State University with bachelor's degrees in Spanish and Psychology.  I also earned my master's degree from University of Texas Arlington and hold an M.Ed in Literacy Instruction, with a focus in bilingual education.

    When I was in middle school my parents decided to become missionaries and we lived in Costa Rica and Ecuador.  Learning Spanish was not an option for me, it was a survival skill!  I did a study abroad in Mexico, and have been to Mexico ten other times.

    My family is extremely important to me!  My husband is also a teacher. We have three children who keep us on our toes.

     My Family