Welcome to Mr. Floyd's Web Page
Teacher: Matthew Floyd
School Email: matthew.floyd@henry.k12.ga.us
Subjects I Teach: Environmental Science and Chemistry
Activities I Assist With: Marching Band
Welcome to the world of environmental science and chemistry for the 2024-2025 school year! I am very excited to be partnering with you this year! I know the reputation for academic excellence very well here at Union Grove as I am a UGHS alumni, class of 2014. After leaving Union Grove, I went on to Georgia College and State University to obtain my Bachelors of Science degree where I majored in Environmental Science and minored in Geology. As an environmental science major, I participated in many undergraduate research projects. These projects included assessing seed bank diversity of inland and coastal freshwater wetlands, forest tree species diversity and soil chemical characteristics, occurrence and distribution of salt, fresh, and brackish water over the extent of Georgia's barrier islands, and wetland surface and groundwater chemistry during flooding periods. I am very excited to be putting my degree to good use by teaching environmental science. I also have my Masters of Arts degree in Teaching Broadfield Secondary Science from Georgia Southern University. I have been teaching since 2017, and I am looking forward to a fantastic year. Go Wolverines!
To access my Reminds, please join the Environmental Science 2024-2025 or the Chemistry 2024-2025 class.
Environmental Science 2024-2025 code: @392bfaf
Chemistry 2024-2025 code: @398d7g
Google Classroom will be one of our main points of communication. Activities, documents, and other resources may be posted there. If students have any questions outside of class, then please feel free to email me or send me a Remind message.