• Welcome to Mr. Albaugh's Webpage

    Teacher Name: Nicholas Albaugh

    Email: Nicholas.Albaugh@henry.k12.ga.us

    Subjects Taught: Algebra 1 & Foundations of Algebra



    Welcome to the 2023-24 school year! This will be my 15th year teaching overall, but 1st at Union Grove High School! I grew up in northeast Ohio (Go Browns!), and moved to Georgia right after college. I began my teaching career at Fayette County High School (7 years), Locust Grove Middle (3 years), Ola Middle (3 years), and now look forward to being a Wolverine!


    School Supplies Needed: 

    Three ring binder

    1 package of dividers

    College ruled loose leaf paper


    Casio fx-155es or TI-36XS Pro Calculator


    7:45am, by appointment. If this time does not work for you, please email me, and we will figure something out!


    All assignments will be posted on Google classroom. Students and Parents, please keep up to date with grades, through Infinite Campus


    Will be available on the first day of school, located on Google Classroom. This will need signed by parents, and submitted by August 11.