• Union Grove High School 

    ISS Expectations



    In-School Suspension allows you the opportunity to continue your academic studies.  At the same time, you will be able to form a plan for improving your behavior at school.  You will be expected to earn your way back into the regular classroom by meeting the following requirements:


    1. Students must report to the ISS room by 8:15 am. Students are not permitted to leave the ISS room for any reason other than approved reasons by an administrator or the ISS teacher. 
    2. Cutting ISS is considered skipping and the student will receive the next step in their discipline file.

    3. You must have all necessary materials with you BEFORE entering the ISS room.  Locker use is NOT permitted at any time during the day.  NO EXCEPTIONS!


    4. You must complete all assignments given to you.  It will be expected of you to complete BOTH classroom and ISS assignments.  You will work continuously the entire day. 


    5. TALKING IS NOT ALLOWED IN ISS!  If you have a question or problem, please raise your hand and wait patiently for the teacher to help you.


    6. You must remain in your assigned seat, facing forward, at all times unless you are given permission to be up. You must SIT PROPERLY in your chair.  Leaning back, slouching or SLEEPING is NOT ALLOWED.


    7. Students are not allowed to have gum, candy, food, or drink in ISS.


    8. Writing or passing notes is not allowed in ISS.


    9. No electronic devices will be allowed in ISS and result in dismissal.


    10. Do not mark or draw on your study area; your study carrel will be checked at the end of the day.  You will be responsible for any damage to your study area.
    11. Students must make up all time missed if they are absent from ISS.

    12. No Misbehavior will be tolerated. If you are dismissed from ISS, you will be assigned OSS for the remainder of the day. The day will also count as an absence and you will not be able to make up work. You will also be required to complete your ISS days upon your return to school.


    **There will be restroom breaks during the course of the day and a lunch break will also be taken. TALKING IS NOT ALLOWED DURING LUNCH!  You are welcome to bring your own lunch.
    ***You CANNOT participate in assemblies, field trips, team activities, or any other school related activities on days you are assigned to ISS.  Absences on days assigned to ISS because of illness or other reasons DO NOT excuse you from fulfilling your required time in ISS. 
    Remember…you are expected to leave school grounds promptly at 3:45 pm.
Last Modified on August 16, 2024