• Welcome to Healthcare Science
    Teacher's Name: Rebecca Baker
    School Email Address: rebecca.santacruz@henry.k12.ga.us 
    Subjects I Teach: 
    My name is Rebecca Baker. I graduated from Clayton State University in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene and from the University of Georgia in 2019 with a Master's in Workforce Education. Prior to joining Henry County Schools in 2017, I spent 10 years in the dental industry encouraging my clients to pursue optimum oral health. I was thrilled to transition out of industry and into the classroom where my true passion lies. It is a joy and an honor to encourage the next generation to devote themselves to the exciting and rewarding field of healthcare. 
  • Georgia HOSA


    HOSA operates as an integral component of the health science education curriculum. Through its network of state and local chapters, HOSA provides powerful instructional tools, recognition, leadership, networking, scholarships, and connections to the healthcare industry to thousands of members across the United States. Learn more here