
    General Information:

    At MCE, we make it our top priority to assist in keeping our students healthy, in school, and ready to learn each day. We would like to take a moment to remind you about some county policies that you may not be aware of.


    Important Information about Medication(s) at School:


    The clinic can only give medicine brought to school by a parent/guardian to a student.

    Please DO NOT send any form of medication to school with your child!!

    We must receive a signed Henry County Student Health Medication Authorization Form (SHMA) for each medication.  (See HCS Health Form Links)

    Rx Medications, OTC Medications, and Cough Drops must be in their original packaging- NO medication in paper bags, plastic baggies, or to-go containers, etc.

    Medications must be in date on the Rx Label or OTC packaging.

    The clinic DOES NOT stock ANY medications to give out to students upon request.

    Medical Conditions

    Please inform the Clinic Aide of any medical conditions your child has that may require special attention, such as Asthma, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Food Allergies, Sickle Cell Anemia, etc. If your child has any of the following and/or other medical conditions, you will need to fill out an action plan form so that I can effectively treat and care for your child in case of an emergency. Also, if your child(ren) has an inhaler or an Epi-pen, it needs to be left in the clinic with the clinic aide, and/or you will need a permission form signed by your student’s physician and principal to carry these medical aids.

    See HCS Medical Links