• Dear Parents and Students, 

    I have listed important information below.  Please be aware this information deals with grades, technology, and materials needed for class.
    Grades will be determined by the Henry County Teaching and Learning Standards based on the standards set by Georgia:

    Standard 1         30%            Analyzing -  Read closely to analyze and evaluate all forms of text)

    Standard 2         20%            Writing -      Construct task-appropriate writing for diverse purpose and audiences)           

    Standard 3         20%            Research -   Design and implement concise and sustained research tasks focused by questions and understandings of rigorous/relevant topics)

    Standard 4         15%            Speaking-    Collaborate and communicate effectively to participate in diverse discussions, share information and reasoning, or provide supporting evidence to                                                                    convey and respond to clear and distinct perspectives

    Standard 5         15%            Language -  Employ the conventions of language, including word choice, effectively in written and spoken word)

    These five standards total 100 percent.  Additionally, we will have a Milestone test (9th/11th) which will count as the final.  The five standards are 80 percent  of the final grade and the final is 20 percent of the final grade, again for a total of 100 percent.  


    As we are a technology school and use laptops in our classroom, I do want to reiterate that there is no need for cell phones, earbuds, Ipods, or any other form of technology in the room. In the past several years, I have found that these devices are counterproductive to my students and create an unnecessary temptation.  As parents have learned over the past several years, there is a dark side to technology.  This dark side can lead to bullying, cheating, sexual issues, and many other forms of distractions.  We are a wireless school and do our best to block inappropriate sites, social media, etc., but our children are savvy users and can find ways to access this information quicker than we can always shut them down.  Please...Please...help me enforce the rules for the safety, security, and a positive learning environment of our children here at Hampton. 
    Thank you for all you do and for being positive role models for our future! 
    Folder with pockets (for handouts and paper) 
    Highlighters (optional)