• British Literature

    Some leaders are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them...Shakespeare

    If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything...Malcolm X 
    If not us, then who? If not now, then when? John Lewis 
    Essential Questions:
    1.  What is leadership?
    2.  What makes a good leader?
    3.  Who are some good leaders?
    4.  What do you stand for? 

    This class will focus on the theme of leadership. The first half of the semester, we will focus on the SENIOR CAPSTONE PROJECT.  The second half of the semester, we will read one of the following novels (Alice in  Wonderland, Frankenstein, Lord of the Flies, 1984, Animal Farm, The Professor and the Madman, Shakespeare's Greatest Lines).


    The class will be set up in a reading/writing workshop with specific assignments that must be completed with the reading. 

    Reading Journal - You will keep a reading journal of your notes from your book.  In your journal, you can use any note taking system that you like (Cornell notes, poem, song, draw picture, flow chart, mind mapping, outlining, character analysis, plot analysis)  (Competency 1).

    Literature Group - After we read in class, we will work in a literature group to speak about the novel (competency 4). 

    PBL- Depends on book we read (Alice - Life Lessons; Frankenstein - When is Enough Enough?; Lord of the Flies - The Greatest Leader; 1984/Animal Farm - Propaganda Project; Professor - Dictionary; Shakespeare - Greatest Lines of Leadership

    Presentations - You will present your book that last two weeks of the semester and talk about what you have learned through reading and writing (Competency 5)

    Grades -

    Grades will be based on the six competencies for English (defined by the State of Georgia and Henry County District).  The six competencies are:

    Competency 1                     Analyzing                  30%

    Competency 2                     Writing                      20%

    Competency 3                     Research                     20%   

    Competency 4                     Collaboration                 5%

    Competency 5                     Speaking                     10%

    Competency 6                     Language                     15%


    Materials Needed

    ·        Journal

    ·        Folder

    ·        Paper

    ·        Pencil



    As we are a technology school and use laptops in our classroom, I do want to reiterate that there is no need for cell phones, earbuds, Ipods, or any other form of technology in the room.  In the past several years, I have found that these devices are counterproductive to my students and create an unnecessary temptation.  As parents have learned over the past several years, there is a dark side to technology.  This dark side can lead to bullying, cheating, sexual issues, and many other forms of distractions.  We are a wireless school and do our best to block inappropriate sites, social media, etc., but our children are savvy users and can find ways to access this information quicker than we can always shut them down.  Please...Please...help me enforce the rules for the safety, security, and a positive learning environment of our children here at Hampton. 
    Please note :  Research has proven that electronics, including phones, music, and video games are detrimental to learning.  As the students already have a learning disability, it is best that they are not distracted by these tools.  Thank you for all you do and for being positive role models for our future! 
    Leadership - To be or not to be UNIT PLAN
    King Arthur (selected readings)
    Macbeth or Shakespeare's Greatest Lines
    Nelson Mandela
    Thinking Big /Ben Carson