Welcome to the LHS Chemistry Club!About UsThe ACS Chem Club at LHS was established in 2010 in order to provide opportunities for our students to express their talents in chemistry and allied areas. Affiliated to the American Chemical Society, LHS Chem Club takes a very active role in organizing the National Chemistry Week in October, Winter Chemistry Week in December, and the Earth, Energy, and Environment Week in April. In addition, the Chem Club organizes and runs the grand event of Parent Chemistry Night, during which event parents conduct labs at LHS along with their children.ACS Chem Club members attend ACS Dinner Meetings and special events at GA Tech and at Emory University. LHS ChemClub members get the opportunity to receive training as Lab Assistants and Teaching Assistants and receive assignments to serve in these capacities for one year. Outstanding candidates will be given a continued offer for two or three years. Training students for the Chemistry Olympiad and Chemistry tutoring are other services offered by the Chemistry Club.There is no membership fee for the LHS Chem Club. Members buy a shirt every year.
ACS Chem Club meets twice monthly. Based on events, additional meetings may become necessary.
Various leadership positions and service opportunities are available.
Join the ACS Chem Club and reap these benefits.
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. R. | Renuka.Rajasekaran@henry.k12.ga.us
Last Modified on January 18, 2023